Friday 17 October 2008

My Evaluation


My Magazine Evaluation Finally

My magazine is based on a majority of genres that concern the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Compared to other magazines, that only advertise one particular genre I have tried to take strong ideas used in there to bring together my colorful magazine.

Forms and conventions used in my magazine are commonly used throughout the page. Compared to other Gospel magazines such as “The Gospel Link”, “Gospel City” and “The Truth”. I used the use of a younger person, to symbolize that she is reading a bible instead of using pictures of a bible. With clothes that promote the message we are trying to portray with the magazine. The main image includes the girl smiling to give the feeling that the magazine and music she listens to is what brings her joy. Her eyes are looking forward which creates a relationship with the targeted audience and allows the reader to see that her joy is sharable. The main title of the magazine is done in bold blue writing this helps catch the reader’s attention and is also quick and snappy for them to remember. The color of the text used is different random colors because I think the writing reflects the type of music we are advertising.

I wanted my Magazine cover to not have too much going on in the front like others already mentioned but be bright, youthful and straight to the point. I also adjusted the color of the background because this allowed me to be more creative in choosing the color of my font’s. The text I used where generally the same size, and texture because it helped improve the quality of presentation. I also used special effects on photo shop software to make the writing stand out from the image and be clearer to read. My main colors used were orange and blue because those colors were also used within the background and costume of the person. I also adjusted the color of the background because this allowed me to be more creative in choosing the color of my fonts.

I think my magazine cover is original within the Christian faith because it not compacted with huge amounts of information, but gives you the fun best bits about the magazine, I think encourages young people to want to open it up and read more. By the girl symbolizing hey joy in reading the bible, a dancer posing advertising her love for Jesus and an average youth wearing a Christian made ‘ hooded jumper ’ I think this helps represent the type of group it stereotypically belongs to (Christian’s). However because it has images that also reflect fashion, dance and a variety of music it opens up the social group to a wider audience with or without religion.

The audience for my music magazine cover as stated above is anyone preferably from ages 11 and up. This includes young adults in their 20’s and up, because recent sales within the Gospel Industry show that adults of all ages enjoy the music sounds of the younger generation.
Over the period of creating our magazines learning the tools on photo shop wasn’t a hard task for me but more of a refresher. This is because I had to use Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks at school for Graphic Design. Due to having this past experience I was able to take advantage of the software and get straight on with the project. However I did learn I could do more with the fonts on my font cover magazine by changing the texture and creating borders around the text. This tool I think benefited the front cover because it helped the image of the magazine not appear to blend in with everything but make it clear some of the text was layered and not merged or pressed in with everything.

If I was to create to another magazine I would a few changes. Firstly I would change the amount of information and sub pictures on the front. I think if I added more of a variety of pictures with different ethnic groups on the front it would attract a wider audience. As well as give a little more information as to what is exciting inside because I know sometimes people want it to be right in there face instead of going to read it and get surprised. Secondly I would change the style of the font and colors, because I think it’s important the writing is clear as soon as someone glimpse’s at it and not have to come closer which I know may sometimes be the case with my magazine.

Overall I’m proud with the outcome of my magazine considering the amount of times it’s changed and developed. I also enjoyed learning how to use the big Mac computers in the computer and editing suite.

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