Thursday 16 October 2008


Whilst creating this magazine cover, I found myself looking over many established magazines for inspiration: Word-up, young voices, hip-hop. Looking over these magazines gave me an in site as to what direction my magazine should be heading in, how my front cover should look and what essential elements should be included in over to sale to the target audience. With Faith magazine, as a group I believe we all tried to be as original as possible yet still taking into account conventions of real music magazines.

We decided on three main themes for our front covers:
- Jesus is my logo
- Sunday Best
- International Christians
For Jesus is my logo we chose to capture youths jumping in the air looking as though they were having a good time. They were dressed in normally chilled out clothes: Jeans and a t-shirt with the slogans, ‘Jesus is my logo’ and ‘Jesus died for my space in heaven’ blasted across the top in bright colours. Seen as Faith magazine is promoting the gospel scene, we felt it would be a great idea to incorporate our message through fashion trends also. We believe this will be effective seen as youth today are becoming more and more entwined with the fashion world.

The use of bright colours was very important in terms of grabbing the readers’ attention and targeting the right audience. I believe colours play a big part in the successful sale of a magazine. If your front cover looks good and stands out, people will be not be able to resist looking twice. The use of big fonts, bold and italic writing, graphed slogans, and images were also important for attracting our audience.

During the process of constructing the magazine cover, being introduced to photo-shop, a program I have had no previous experience or encounter with before, I found challenging. After being given a tutorial on how to use the program, I still found myself in need of assistance, but being pushed to try and work independently and finally starting too see my front cover come to life, I thought strongly about the power of technology and how much I underestimated it. Technology defiantly plays a big part in the media industry.

If I were to be given the opportunity to make another magazine cover I would take time to properly plan the photo shoot, as I felt that due to limited time our photos were not of the highest standard. I would also dedicate time toward learning how to use Photoshop correctly so that class time could have been 100% devoted towards designing the front cover.

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