Saturday 27 September 2008

Faith photoshoot ideas (my cover)

My theme for my cover is 'Sunday best' but in a new ligth cause when i think of the solgan sunday best i think . Suited and booted men, women in extreamly cordinated suits and big hats mathcing from head to toe. And teenagers carefully matching thier partents.

But as times have change it isnt always the case anymore. Dressing for church is more enjoyable and also should be respectable. Of course going to church is NOT to look good but if ur dressed and feel confortable you will always beem and no snyde remarks will hinder your personal worship. And since i love fashion this is why i have choosen this theme

My cover layout ideas

  1. To have 3 or 4 young people dressed up in thier church clothes, but insted of having the lates handbag or mobile phone they wil have there bibles.

  2. 2 young people in propa dressed up, suited and booted church clothes. Then next to them is 2 young people in casual clothes like thier going to college. Headline what is sunday best? or Im still keeping it christian or christian swagga .

The headline and title i want to be orginal and i dont want the front cover to be all over the place i wont it to b simple but not to simple still needs to attract a certain audience.

Thursday 25 September 2008

Faith Magazine.

Music Magazine Practical 

Magazine - Gospel Music:
  • Jesus Is My Logo 
  • Jesus Junkie 
  • Jesus Loves Me 
  • Jesus Dies For Myspace In Heaven.
These are sentences that are seen on t-shirts and badges (merchandise). These t-shirts are use to promote the word of God. 

Titles For A Magazine: 
Jesus is my logo 
Gospel Scene 
J. M. L

Our group came to a final decision and chose FAITH


Advice - Singles, Parents 
Spoken Word
New Gospel Artists - Albums
Fashion- "Jesus died for myspace in heaven" t-shirts 

This is what will be inside the magazine. 
Target audience:

Cover 1 - Sunday Best/ Christian Swagger 
Cover 2- International Christian
Cover 3- Jesus Is My Logo 
Cover 4 - Missionary 

Cover 1 - Bible. Church Background/ pewes - chair
Cover 2 - International Flags. National colours. 
Cover 3
Cover 4- 


Faith Magazine

Myself and my group have decided to name our magazine 'Faith' and have based it upon the 'Gospel' genre. We hope to feature artist such as :
- Victizzle, Mark Starr, Guvna B, Triple-o, Faith Child, Jayess and many more

We will be releasing four magazine covers:

- Cover 1= Sunday best
- Cover 2= International Christians
-Cover 3= Jesus is My logo theme
- Cover 4= Missionary programs 

Magazine- Content:

- concerts 
- word of encouragement
- Nu gospel artists on the scene
- Advice Corner
Christian Fashion

Faith magazine

This morning
my group wanted to have an original idea for an music magazine. There are many genres of music magazines but not allot of 'Gospel'. so we have decided to create a magazine cover called Faith.The frequency of our magazine will be monthly and the target audience is teenagers and young adults.

Possible Titles

  • JC
  • Jesus is my logo
  • Gospel scene
  • Right path
  • JMC
  • J 4 L
  • Faith

  • Cover 1- Sunday best
  • Cover 2- international Christians
  • Cover 3- Jesus is my logo
  • Cover 4- missionary


  • new fresh artist
  • advice
  • spoken word and advice
  • new gospel
  • party and concerts listings and coverage
  • competitions
  • gospel scene
  • bible advice and readings